Book Blogger Hop

Bookish: Book Blogger Hop #12

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The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme with a prompt featuring a book related question. The hop begins on a Friday and ends on a Thursday and should hopefully give people the opportunity to learn something new about the blogger.

The Book Blogger Hop can be found on Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer and obviously my answers can be found here!

books read last year

This is going to be a short answer this week my lovelies because I went into this in greater detail on my End of Year Wrap Up 2018 (Part 2). You can check it and its so-called ‘sexy stats’ here.

In a nutshell my goal last year was to read 52 books. I didn’t quite make it and finished at 45 books.

But, because I still feel like reading one book per week is a very attainable goal for me I decided that my goal for 2019 would also be to read 52 books.

If I surpass it then cool. If I don’t, I don’t. I won’t beat myself up.

If you are someone who reads significantly less or significantly more than both those things are equally as awesome. If you are setting a goal than it should always be what’s attainable for you.

That can be 10 or 210. But if it’s 210  – tell me how. I need to know!

I feel like doing a post on goal setting now. Damn my HR head.
Blog Hop

Kareena @ Reader Voracious has started a brand new feature which she is calling ‘the Novel19 Class’ and is all about providing exposure to debut authors.

Aurora @ Aurora Librialis has also started a brand new feature which is all about book recommendations based on astrology! Check out her first blog post on Aquarius (I’m a Pisces so I can’t wait for that one)!

Vicky @ Vicky Who Reads has done a post about a new reading challenge that she is co-hosting! This challenge is the Year of the Asian Reading Challenge and is all about reading more books by Asian authors. Check out the post for more information.


What is your reading goal for the year and how does it compare to last years?

How do you feel if you do/ don’t achieve it and you are someone who can’t help but compare against other readers anyway?

If you’re part of the #52 club then let me know! (It’s not actually a club, I just made that up).

I will see you for next weeks blog hop where I answer the question of audio books vs. ebooks and what I would do if the world stopped printing books.

6 thoughts on “Bookish: Book Blogger Hop #12

  1. Thank you so much for linking to my Novel19 class post!!!

    I read 137 books last year and… I am not planning on trying to beat it but we’ll see! I set my GR goal to 52 books because I don’t want to be stressed about it, and as of right now I am exactly on track.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah you are welcome! I think its a wonderful idea! 137 is a mega number and you never know, you may beat it.

      You are a member of the #52 club too! I mean there’s absolutely no prizes but encouragement is welcomed!


  2. My reading goal for this year is 200 books, which seems realistic since I read 211 in 2018. But honestly, it might as well have been 50 or 100. I used to get really into tracking my reading, but I don’t care that much about numbers anymore. I could read 5 short books in the time it takes to read one really long one, but what if that long one will be my new favorite? I just want to read books I love and enjoy reading ❤️ That’s my 2019 goal. Well, that and reading my own damn books already 😂

    Thank you so much for sharing my post! I hope you’ll love my Pisces recs 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 200 is impressive! I love how different people’s reading goals are because I think it’s all about how quickly they read, what they’re reading, what life stuff is happening! I had a cold for a week last year and I smashed out so many more books than usual!

      I agree, I have a goal but it’s more of a guideline. I’d rather read 5 excellent books then 50 average ones (though sometimes you’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs or um… read a lot of books).

      I’m very much looking forward to the Pisces rec!


    1. I wonder if there’s a psychology ‘win’ for setting a lower goal than you know that you’ll exceed and then exceed it. I think I should try it!

      I think 30 -35 is a good number and I think the number of books that someone can end up reading depends on so many things; life, mood, the books they read (a 700 pager will definitely take more time than a 300 one)!

      I hope the ones you read you enjoy – that’s more important 😉


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