Blog Award

Bookish: The Sunshine Blogger Award


I was tagged by Tiffany aka TPSquared at That New Book Smell to do this award! Thank you so much Tiffany! I know it takes me an age to do these but I always get round to them in the end and I’m so pleased that you’ve tagged me in it!


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you by linking their blog
  2. Answer the questions
  3. Nominate 11 blogs with 11 questions
  4. List the rules as well as display the Sunshine Award Logo on your post

Here are the questions!

favourite childhood book

It’s strange because out of everything that I’ve read as a child and love; anything by Roald Dahl, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan etc. everything keeps coming back to this one. It’s strange because objectively I’m not massively in love with the story but there is something about it that makes me think of it every time I’m asked this question. I think it might be something to do with sensory memories!

little women.png


Tiffany, why do you have to call me out like this? 😉

It’s not actually too bad… 116. *Sweats nervously*

If I read a book a week (which is the goal) I should be done with this current TBR by the end of 2020, maybe even the beginning of 2021. As long as I add nothing else on.

Repeats to self – add nothing else on

books in year

I don’t know the answer to this question.

If I knew I would tell you.

Look, for your information… yes there’s one thing, the one thing that still holds true

That’s the look, that’s the look… the look of love…

Ahem. Sorry. I got carried away.

I genuinely don’t know because I’ve never really given it much thought. I always thought it was a lot but now that I’m keeping track via Goodreads I can see that it’s not as much as I would like.

My goal for 2018 is to read 52 books (one per week) and I’m currently 3 books behind schedule at 29. I feel Goodreads actively judging me whenever I log in. This is actually how I feel around NaNoWriMo when I log in and see my little writing count not meeting the line.


I’m going to share with you a picture of me on the best holiday that I’ve had so far.


This was me back in 2012 on Maui, Hawaii. It was taken on the first few days of our holiday which is why I’m not sunburned yet.

That holiday was amazing in terms of everything and somehow managed to be both stimulating and busy in terms of things to do/ see but also really relaxing.

I loved Hawaii!

worst book

Ooh I struggle with these questions as I really can never remember everything that I’ve read.

I’ve cheated and have looked at what’s on my Goodreads. It doesn’t mean that this is the worst book I’ve ever read but it just means that it’s one I’ve recently rated as one star.

It’s no secret that me and this one just didn’t find harmony together….


If you want, you can read my review on it here.


A what now? No. I’m just lucky I can work out how to use WordPress.

one book


I think many people would hate me for it. I think many people would be surprised at how much it sticks with them. I always say that this is the one book that has stuck with me the most in terms of how much I felt it impact me and how much it made me think.


I’m not a huge re-reader but that’s because I have 116 books on my TBR and as I’m going to be here until 2021 tackling that I don’t think I should be re-reading anything!

That being said… I do have a tendency to re-read American Gods by Neil Gaiman but only because I’m trying to work out all the gods and pick up on all the references.

I did a Top 5 Wednesday on favourites I’d like to revisit here if you wanted to know more! I’m just pinging back left, right and centre today!

five stars


This just blew me out of the water. Seriously. I didn’t expect to love it as much as I did but for me this was just amazing in terms of the writing, the themes, the characters, the world that Star inhabited and Star’s voice was just spot on.

Again, I’m pinging you to my review of it (here) if you want to check it out. I loved this book very much.


Egads. This is such a tricky one.

I have no clue. Seriously. Every time I think of a book it’s either already a movie or they are making it into one!

I guess I’d be intrigued to see whether they could make this into a movie… I think if they could and did it successfully then we would be looking at such a visual treat.

the night circus


If I told you than people would know…

*Fades into the shadows like a woman of mystery*


  1. Which villain in a book are you most like and why?
  2. What is the worst adaptation of a book (either TV or movie) that you have seen?
  3. You get to pick a book mum to be your mum for the day – who do you pick? Why?
  4. You’re a guest at a fictional wedding. What wedding are you attending? Bonus question: what gift (if any) do you bring?
  5. Pick a song that sums your mood/ life right at the moment.
  6. Two roads diverge in a yellow wood. You take one. What does it look like and where does it take you?
  7. A witch has given you a potion, this potion will give you something you want but at the exchange of something of equal value. What do you want and what will you give up?
  8. Do you have a best time to write and post your blog posts?
  9. You roll over in bed one morning and there is a fictional character sharing your pillow! Who is it?
  10. You get to spend a week in a fictional place. Where do you go and what do you do?
  11. Go to your TBR and select book number 11. What is it?

I never tag the full number because I am A Loser so instead I will tag 5 people!

Marina @ Books of Magic

Sara @ The Bibliophagist 

Abigail @ Abigail’s Tales

Bibi @ Bibi’s Book Blog

The Winged Cynic

If you want to be tagged in stuff (or don’t want to be tagged in stuff) then please let me know!


35 thoughts on “Bookish: The Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. 116 is *definitely* not too bad! The only way I’ll be able to finish my TBR is if I invent an anti-aging serum and/or get bitten by a vampire. And haha I feel your NaNoWriMo woes–I write pitifully slow! And with the Goodreads reading challenge, I just usually set my initial goal super low so that I get the “Congrats, you awesomesauce!! You met your goal!” message, and then I raise the numbers bit by bit. That way I can make progress AND can feel good about myself minus the anxiety! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Get bitten.

      No don’t. That was terrible advice!

      116 isn’t as bad as it could be, I just need to work on one of two things – read faster or stop looking for books to add! Neither are achievable I swear it!

      Goodreads is telling me I’m about 4 books behind but I’m hoping the ridiculously long flights I’m taking in November will mean I counter that. I mean, I’m banking on it but best laid plans and all that!

      I adore doing NaNo and am gutted that I won’t be doing it this year. But I now have a 7 page print out attached to my wall which is my novel writing timeline so… yeah. I’ll see how I go.

      *freaks out*

      Liked by 1 person

      1. *whispers* Do it…Join the crazy writing month…

        I did NaNo only once 5 years ago when I was more uh, optimistic and had sparkles in my eyes everyday with the world at my fingertips and all that. But seeing some of my tumblr friends freak out about it has made me decide to give it a try again this year! *Sigh* what am I getting myself into…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Ah I’m on honeymoon for the entirety of November so whilst I’m a bit gutted about not being able to do NaNo this year, I have a valid reason 😛 I’m very tempted to do the Camp NaNo’s next year as well as NaNo. If you’re ever up for motivation and company with your misery let me know 😛

          Liked by 1 person

            1. As much as *I* would love a couples writing retreat that would be my husband’s idea of hell! He is definitely not the reading or writing type! Opposites attract I guess 😛

              Well let me harass you next year around Camp NaNo time, don’t think I’ll forget! You’ll regret ever mentioning it 😉


  2. Yay, thanks for tagging me! ❤ I have two more nominations so I'll do a combo this week, can't wait to put people through a 3000 word post. 😀 I'll use mighty gifs though. Little Women was everything to me when I was a kid, I have such fond memories connected to the books, and it's the first one I ever re-read, multiple times! I also got parented through Marmee, and Jo was my spirit animal hahaha. 😀

    I hear your sweating at 116 tbr, and raise it to melting on hot butter while being prodded with tridents by hellish fiends at my 2663.

    I'd love to go to Hawaii! You look happy and pretty there! You know I agree on Caraval hahaha! I've just realized you don't know what bookstagram is after asking you about it 5 mins go on GR hahaha. 😀

    The Night Circus would be such an amazing movie! I'd love if they'd do it in B&W with just one hinted color, like red (Like in Schindler's List). Btw, the movie rights were sold a long time ago, it has an IMDB page, but the "a long time ago" part isn't good…

    I love your cool questions as always and can't wait to do this! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I always have you in mind when I think of TBR’s! I aspire to reach such levels of greatness! You would probably think I’m crazy 😛

      I’m looking forward to your answers! As you can tell I’m massively behind on responding so you’re just going to get a whole bunch of notifications from me now 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I relate to this post so much! I am horrible at keeping to my reading schedule, and I don’t even read that much a year! (My TBR is also overflowing lol). And gosh, I don’t think I’ve read a book that was as poorly constructed as Caraval either; it’s literally the lowest rated on my blog, and for good reason. And yes to Hawaii! I honestly thought it was hype, but I went there for the first time last year, and gosh dang was it lovely. The weather is perfectly balanced imo, and I’d love to live there one day. 😉

    Terrific answers! Thank you so much for tagging me! (And heads up, I actually have a tag coming up myself, and you’re tagged there; what a coincidence haha. 😛 )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We can be tag twins!!

      My reading schedule is non existent which is why I try and keep myself on track by publicly declaring at the end of each month what I plan to read next month! The results are varied with the degree of success.

      I just fell in love with Hawaii and am massively jealous of anyone who lives there. Sigh.

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  4. Little Women is one of my favourites too. I actually didn’t like it when I was younger but I like it as an adult. Which girl in the book did you identify with the most?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Definitely Jo because of the whole reader/ writer thing but also because she has a temper. I also have a short temper and when I was a child I just let it fly because I inherited it from two hot headed parents who also let it fly. Then I read Little Women, related massively to Jo and to the conversation that she had with Marmee about controlling your temper because it hurts people you love. Nothing has resonated with me more. Seriously, I got parented *via a book*!

      I must also confess that I like Amy. I know no one else does but I like my problematic and difficult characters the most!

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      1. I like Amy too, even though she is a bit annoying – I think she’s maybe the most realistic of the four girls. Jo is definitely the best advocate for women’s equality and she’s supposed to represent the author.

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  5. Congratulations!! 😀 and omg those stats about your TBR, I can relate to the numbers, ahahah!… but I really don’t want to know how many years it would take me to finish them all 😛

    Liked by 1 person

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